The Plastic Bubble Necklace: The Trend That Just Won’t Damn Die


I’m ready for these to go away.

Yeah- those obnoxious, colorful, plastic creations that for SOME reason these boutiques that I love just keep carrying.

From the start, I had kind of a hesistation about them. Just something about these things made me hesitate. Perhaps it was the cookie cutter form, perhaps it was the fact that every. single. one. of them are in the same. exact. shape. The same. colors. offered. Holy Jesus can we can some kind of uniqueness here?

But ohhhhh no, every boutique it seems last fall jumped on top of them. Like- stores from Georgia up to Virginia carried these damn things. Now, to some extent, I have seen some of these necklaces morph in to something a little different- like flowers, etc.  There is still the same basic premise behind a lot of them: large, plastic, inexpensive…. yeah. And some of those are fine and all, my main problem with these bubble necklaces is that they are EXACTLY THE SAME. Other than the changing colors they have the same pattern. Seven discs across. A center “pendant” with two more discs descending, three smaller discs on the bottom one, two on the second one down- each framing the third large disc. Two more large discs then framing the center “pendant”, each descending from the third disc down from the initial line, with three smaller discs coming off each. Then two small discs each coming off of the other two initial set of discs in the aforementioned line.

Seriously. Take a look. Count em. I did.

On Etsy:


And again, from some website called Silkfair:


And on Amazon:


To be fair, I get where in some cases they can be cute. Me personally, so far I just can’t abide by them because they are everywhere. It’s not the same as say, a Tiffany necklace (although- I will say when EVERYONE bought those damn heart tag necklaces after Legally Blonde I just couldn’t do it, even now, and y’all KNOW how much I love Tiffany’s) whose craftsmanship is frankly undisputed, for me at least.


I need for these to seriously. go. away. I’m not normally negative on here but Jesus Christ can’t these just go away?! Seriously do yall still like to wear these? Fine if you do I suppose, I mean I’m all for you know- using the things you buy and I really expect a large part of my readers to have bought them because they did saturate the market last year but really come onnnnnnnn. Aren’t yall ready for them to go away too?

Love to all y’all….



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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