Sometimes I Just Need to Hear the Word “No”: No Black Hair, No More Ponytails

Every so often I have to have a change. We all do. For me, when I get that itch it’s generally to change my hair color. I’ve been just about every shade of blonde and brown, even with some red. When I was 21 my hair was this three different colors thing- blonde on top, brown then a reddish brunette as well underneath. The next hair color change was my “Christina Aguleila” look with blonde on top and bright red on the bottom.  After that I went to a dark brown.

This time I got it in my head that I wanted to go black. I tried so many Google searches, even looking up to see if my skin tone would look good with a blue-black color. Everything told me I would look good with that. I went to go get my hair cut and colored with Mitch at Amanda Jane Salon and said ok, be honest with me, do you think I can pull off black hair?

from my Pinterest page- pinned from

He gave me this look before giving me my answer, and the look said it before the words the came out of his mouth, informing me that no- actually- I probably could NOT pull this off and also people would look at me and think he had lost his mind to do that to me.

This is why I like going to Mitch- I tend to float between him and two other stylists and they are each brutally honest with me. Even when Mitch asked were we cutting my hair and I said yes let’s just clean it up a bit but keep the length. Then he showed me my frayed ends, telling me we needed to take about 3 inches off. <sigh>

the dreaded before pic


Which leads to the second “no” he had to deliver. But let me backtrack a bit- I don’t handle the word “no” very well. In fact my parents would tell you that it does’t even exist in my vocabulary. (This is partially true.)

and after- although you can’t really see it that well

This “no” led to no more ponytails. Mitch could practically see a line in my hair where I was wearing them- and I do tend to pull my hair back a lot. <double sigh> It proved to be a bit of a challenge while I was at the gym later hoofing it on the elliptical and feeling miserable with my hair sticking to the back of my neck but- such is the sacrifice for good hair.

Myself and Lee Anne Watson at Festival of Trees
photo credit A.I.Carter from Spotted in The Telegraph:


A side note: this is also the first time that I have had my hair dyed darker that the color didn’t bleed out during the first wash. I usually also try to wait at least a day afterwards but due to being on an assignment my hair smelled awful that very night and I had to go ahead and wash it- and I was amazed that the color didn’t bleed. Still am!


Suffice it to say- I’m very pleased with my new hair. Even if I did have to hear the word “no” in the process.

Oh- p.s.- that’s one of my favorite Tibi dresses that I am wearing!!!


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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