One To Watch: Sara Lynn from Ludlow Scout

We talk a lot about the different artistic talent coming out of good ol’ Macon, Georgia: various musicians, writers, painters, on and on and on. But we don’t really talk a lot about the modeling talent. And trust me, modeling is not easy. I should know, I’ve done very little of it on a professional level- most of it is simply for this website and it’s still not easy. You need to know your best angles, many times be able to do your own hair and makeup (I avoid this whenever possible- I’d much rather hire someone else), and you have to be able to tell a story with your face and body while also becoming a part of a scene. It’s just like acting, but in still photography.


Ludlow Scout is a scouting and modeling agency which is based in Atlanta and New York City, but has heavy Macon ties with local Macon girl Shannon Leebern as a co-owner. And we had the chance to interview one of their models on the rise: Sara Lynn Slagle.



Southern Bon Vivant: Please tell us a little bit about you to start out, how old you are, where you go to school, what your aspirations are.

Sara Lynn Slagle:I’m 17 years old, a junior in high school and I go to First Presbyterian day school. My aspirations for modeling is to one day travel to as many places possible and visit places I’ve always wanted to go. I LOVE Free People and if I could model for them one day that would be incredible. I also enjoy reading my favorite fashion magazines (Vogue & Porter).



photograph by Paul Thatcher
photograph by Paul Thatcher



SBV: How did you get started in modeling?

SLS: I got started in modeling when I was 14 and was doing pictures with an aspiring photographer/close friend Kayleigh Sky Donner also known as Ksky Donner on Facebook. Kayleigh Sky has always been interested in fashion photography and had many projects she had to complete in high school and college so she used me as a subject for many of those projects. When I was 16 I got referred to a new scouting agency Ludlow Scout by a close friend of mine. I sent them polaroids and they wanted me to do some photoshoots to market me to other model agencies.






SBV: Are you wanting to make this a career? 

SLS: YES! I would absolutely love to make this a career because it is something I’m passionate about and really love doing, so it would be a dream to make this my career. I do plan on attending college and model as opportunities come up. So far it has been very rewarding job for me, because I meet new people and do what I love all in one.



photograph by Sleepy Fox Photography





SBV: What has been your favorite assignment thus far?

SLS: To date most of my experiences have been photo shoots with New York fashion photographer, Della Bass of Ludlow Scout, and an Atlanta photographer, Paul Thatcher, to build my portfolio.  Ludlow introduced her to Click Model Management in Atlanta and I was signed as a model with that agency last fall.  I look forward to opportunities with Click and also meeting with different agencies this summer in other cities.

My favorite assignment was modeling with live doves in midtown Atlanta.  I was picked off the Ludlow Scout website and chosen to be the model for an Anthropology fashion editorial style blog. The blog, Chelsea In the City, was shot by Sleepy Fox Photography.  I really loved doing this because I got to wear really cool clothes, meet a new photographer and stylist. And actually working with live doves on the shoot was really fun and different.





So keep your eyes out for Miss Sara Lynn Slagle, as we are sure she will be yet another artist to come out of Macon to make us proud.



Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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