New Business Opens in Downtown Macon AND Some Breaking News….


Today, a building that once was in a state of disrepair on Cherry Street opens up as a new art and antique gallery: Travis Jean.


photo credit: Arielle Schlesinger


From the NewTown Macon press release:

A little more than a year ago NewTown Macon sold three buildings at the corner of Cherry and Third Streets in downtown Macon to Macon-native Jean Bragg and today she celebrates the grand opening of one business and the announcement of another.

After years of living in New Orleans opening a world-renown art and antique gallery, Jean Moore Bragg has come back home and is bringing the gallery with her. travis jean distinctive styles is opening at 530 Cherry Street.

travis jean distinctive styles has some of the most amazing pieces I have ever seen in Macon. Art by recent Historic Macon Design, Wine, and Dine speaker Thomas Sully. The most beautiful chandeliers, a gorgeous canopy bed and even antique silver brushes and hand mirrors.




Jean Bragg is a native Maconite who moved away for New Orleans for several years before returning to her hometown. Personally, I am so grateful to her for taking these buildings and turning them in to the beautiful space that we have today. I can’t wait to see what the lofts look like!

AND- some breaking news:

Doughboy Pizza will be moving it’s main operations to 518 Cherry Street as part of the Travis Jean buildings. “ We plan to expand on our indoor seating and more outdoor seating. It expands my ability – right now I can sit 20 people inside and 16 outside- to sit up to 50 people inside alone,” said Doughboy owner Roger Ruiz . “We’re going to put a full service bar inside and focus more on table service instead of self service. Right now we’re all self service. We will continue to give the freshest product in Middle Georgia at the most reasonable cost.”


Doughboy will still continue it’s late night operations at the current location at the corner of Cherry and Third Streets.



Speaking of the renovation of the three buildings: ” This is an example of what can happen with something is done right,” said former NewTown president Mike Ford.

” This is a great day to be in downtown Macon,” said Mayor Reichert. ” To finally find somebody like Jean Bragg… sometimes a fresh approach means everything…. We just wanted to say thank you.”

Alex Morrison of the Urban Development Authority would continue the thanks: “All of this here is the work of a lot of people…. Thank you to Jean for calling us to task and for making us think about things in a different way.”

Morrision continued to announce: “As part of a bond fund that we received lst year we have some funding to do some public improvements – we are piloting a program of a new way for handling the tree wells on Cherry street. Thank Jean for giving us a reason to pilot it.”

” On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce I can ot tell you how happy I am about this- how fortunate we are that one of our Macon daughters has returned,” said Chamber of Commerce CEO Mike Dyer.



Canaan Marshall and Allison Lucas did the flower arrangements for Travis Jean’s opening, and catering was by The Moonhanger Group and Doughboy.


Also from the NewTown Macon press release:

” I have been a part of the renaissance of downtown New Orleans and am excited to come home to be a part of the revitalization of downtown Macon,” said Jean Bragg. ” Because of the work and cooperation from NewTown Macon, Macon Bibb, Urban Development Authority, Main Street Macon, the downtown business owners and residents, there is so much happening downtown. I am thrilled to be a part of it.” 


Jean Bragg


travis jean will be open Wednesday through Saturday from 11:30 am until 6 pm and Sunday from 12 noon until 4 pm. Available in the gallery will be art, furniture, vintage gifts, vintage silver as well as newer items.


” I have fallen in love with Macon all over again,” said Bragg.


Love to all yall- and especially you Jean Bragg! One of my own Leadership Macon Class of 2014 class members!!! (BEST CLASS EVER- THIS PROVES IT!)



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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