Macon’s Hidden Gems: Macon Pops and the Coleman Hill Slide

Every so often, I’m going to address hidden gems in Macon. Today I’m going to tell y’all about the Macon Pops Concerts and the slide on Coleman Hill.


Macon Pops is one of the BEST musical events in the Southeast, in my own humble opinion. For those of you not familiar, picture first class orchestral musicians flying in to Macon on a Saturday morning. Practicing THE DAY OF their concert. And pulling it off in first class measure.


You’ve got one more chance to catch them this season on February the 28th of next year. And let me tell you, you want to go ahead and reserve your table now. I’ve been privileged to hear about the plans for this show and you just can’t miss it. Their most recent show was last weekend, and I was brave and took not one but both of my kids. Their school requires them to go to cultural events, and while I was getting frustrated that my son seemed to only care about Angry Birds, I knew he also absorbed something important from the show when he saw Amy Moretti and said ” That’s the violin lady! Hey violin lady! I play the violin, too!” (They teach them for free at his school- PUBLIC school Vineville Academy.) And then he proceeded to follow her and to keep talking to her.


Prior to that, towards the end, B boy was so proud of himself because he decided to lead Mommy out of the dance floor. And LK had pranced out on to the dance floor all by herself and practiced her ballet moves, again from her free dance lessons at their school. I love being able to go to these events and catch these performances which are full of sound and amazing lights- but even more so to share it with my kids. And… it’s one of the least expensive shows in town, with balcony seats at a steal.



Oh and- Macon Pops isn’t just focusing on their own project. They’re also co-sponsoring the next Corner Concerts performance. And one of my very favorite bands happens to be headlining! I’ve caught All the Locals twice at The Hummingbird, also a sponsor for these concerts, and they’re amazing.







This past weekend also consisted of taking my kiddos to the Coleman Hill slides. Actually, I took them before Macon Pops show so that I could wear them slap out and nap before the show- idea being they would be well rested for the show 😉 So we went to the slides.


I was afraid the slides would be too steep, but they really weren’t. In fact, if you slide down them in jeans or something similar then you won’t slide very fast. But luckily my brother told us beforehand to bring some cardboard, so we were well prepared! And the cardboard makes a huge difference. If you can slide down on a fleece jacket then you’re really in action.


Afterwards, we would go and grab milkshakes at the Rookery and then hot dogs at Spud Dogs. It was just a perfect afternoon capped off by a perfect performance. We even ran in to some fellow Mercer Bears at The Rookery!










So get out there and experience Macon- my kids had so much fun at the slide that we even went back the next day! And as for February- they’ll be at the Pops, too, dancing the night away with their Mommy.



Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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