Lilly For Target Has Pushed Me Over The Edge

Note: Lest some of you grow offended by this post, let it be known I’ve been pushed over the edge by all this Lilly For Target craziness- on both sides of the debate.

It frankly pisses me off to see some shrill Yankee at the Washington Post – a paper I respect– to say Lilly P isn’t fashion. I say Yankee tongue in cheek- yall don’t come at me over here. Wait- can I say Yankee without fear of someone jumping all over me? Probably not but she took her own stabs at a Southern designer so…. Fair game? Anyways…. (Note: this is where I would use a sarcasm font if I had one.)

Fashion is dictated by the wearer- not by any of us bloggers or pundits. Sure we can talk about our own opinions but it doesn’t always make it fact. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. We can talk about our own picks for whatever times or year based on whatever reason. Our fans follow us because they trust our taste. But no matter what- fashion is still dictated by the wearer. Not by some jerk writer looking for click bait worthy material.
But at the same time I’m really bothered by the behavior of these women who acted like morons for these pieces. It’s disgusting behavior and I think Lilly herself would be mortified. Let’s talk about Lilly Pulitzer herself. This is a woman who started her line out of necessity: out of a need for prints that would not be affected by the stains of making orange juice. Now seriously, how can mothers out there everywhere NOT relate to this?! And besides, it’s frankly not that much different than a Pucci print- except it’s a Florida based designer and not Italian.
So you don’t like her dresses. Fine. I don’t like a lot of things other people wear. I love that all of my Lilly pieces hold up beautifully.
Lilly Pulitzer is a woman who should be an example of what feminism can be, she created an empire. Regardless of if you like her brand, regardless of if you like her bat shit crazy fans, you should respect her for building an empire. And honestly, this whole Lilly for Target collaboration was poorly planned and has ended up making everyone involved look bad. Everyone from the people behind the scenes, the women losing their minds fighting over items, and the people talking about it over and over again debating about whether or not THIS line was worthy. People debating over this line being not of quality fashion…. But not casting the same disparaging remarks over other lines Target has featured in such a way. Also, why are all of my friends jumping all over Lilly Pulitzer rather than Target?!
I think I’m going to wear some kind of Lilly every day this week. Just because. Oh and Robin Givan at the Washington Post- just because you can’t pull off Lilly P doesn’t mean you should hate on it.
Love to all y’all,

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

3 thoughts on “Lilly For Target Has Pushed Me Over The Edge

  • April 22, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    Lilly Pulitzer is not a “Southern designer”. She was born in New York, went to school in Connecticut and company HQ is just outside of Philly. All above the Mason-Dixon.

    • April 24, 2015 at 11:01 am

      Yes, I see your points and I am aware of those. However, her line was inspired by living and working in Florida and has been called Palm Beach style. So in that regard, she’s very much a Southern designer. But thank you for commenting and stopping by!

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