TofA: Josh Smith, The Man & The Plan
With Toast and Taste of Athens just around the corner, the blogs are all abuzz with hype on the chefs, bartenders, and owners of the establishments we can expect to see at the fest. But what of the organizers? What is it that has gotten them here? What drives them? What can we expect from them in the future? Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s high time we hear from one of the folks behind the scenes. That’s right, I’m talking planners, and today I’m talking about Joshua Smith of Tailored Events.
Picture this: It’s a sunny, clear, and slightly cool Sunday in Athens, GA and I’m starving. Like starving to the point that it’s about to be a situation. It’s nearing the hour of my last meeting of the day, and if I’m expected to be fully functioning by that time, I’m going to need to feed the beast. So, I duck on into World Famous and put in an order for some sweet relief aka one of their Chicken & Waffle Club sammies as well as a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot then grab a table.
Given my past catering experience, I’ve had my fair share of dealings with Events Planners and the like. Accordingly, as I’m making short work of my tasty bev, I start to prepare myself for what I figure will be a very straight laced and equally concise interview. I’ve just about finished adjusting my vocab and mannerisms for what’s to come when I hear my name. I look up thinking, “Please don’t be another Ryan and please god let it be my food.” It was for me, but it wasn’t my sandwich. However, I couldn’t have been more relieved. The source from which my name originated was my awaited subject, and he was everything but what I was expecting. Thank. God.
Look at this guy. From what I understand, this is what he looks like at his events. When he’s required to make an “appearance”. Sunday, was not such an event and accordingly what now stood before me was a jean jacket wearing, comb carrying, smooth talking, tattooed dude. After exchanging the usual pleasantries and after I unpacked my bag of expectations for the coming interview, we got started.
Ryan: There’s a bunch of events planning companies out there these days, how do you feel yours is different and how do you plan to keep it that way?
Josh: With Tailored Events I’m focusing on only using things local to the Athens area. That’s the spaces, the food, the drinks, and the entertainment if it calls for it. I intend to build up and bring organization to the great group of creatives we have here in this town. Not only am I planning to feature local source fare and local source talent at my events; I also want to shine a spotlight at all the up and comers that are just getting their start.
If anyone is going to bring organization to the creative hive mind that is Athens, Josh is the guy to do it. With over 5 years experience playing in a punk rock band that has shared a stage with the likes of Against Me!, Bad Religion, Mustard Plug, Agent Orange, MXPX, and Seagulls; Josh is no amateur when it comes to organizing the creative mind.
J: Most folks don’t realize how much work actually goes into putting together and planning a show. Not only are you having to organize your bandmates’ schedules to coincide with the actual set, but you’re having to make sure the merch is there on time, constantly follow up with the venue on your set time, make sure all the equipment makes it to the space and back out again, and then make sure you actually get paid.
R: Oh I get it. I’ve kicked around in a few bands and helped friends who play in touring acts. It ridiculous how much of a business mind and organization it actually takes to keep the van rolling. Nothing but respect for guys like that.
J: Also, in that industry it’s not like any harm is ever meant when things don’t work out. It’s just, by nature, the creative mind is chaos. I just want to be the guy that organizes the creative minds in this city towards goals and events that continue to grow both the talent and the exposure for the Athens scene.
R: So I know you do weddings. I’ve seen the photos, they’re beautifully appointed. But I understand that you also do pop-up shops, right?

J: Yeah man. We actually just did a pop-up brunch at Seabear. It was so much fun and people really responded well to it.
R: What got you started on that? Obviously you have the acumen and the mind for it, but I guess in general, what’s your main inspiration that got you started down this path?
J: Some time back, I attended this event at the Classic Center and I had the privilege to hear Alton Brown speak.
R: Huge fan.
J: Right? Love that guy. Anyways, at one point he posed a question to us in the crowd. And in turn I’m going to put it to you now, “What is the most important thing in your kitchen? What could you absolutely not do without?”
R: This feels like a trick question. Give me a sec.

R: I’m going to have to go with my chef’s knife.
J: Not bad, but it’s actually your table. It’s bringing people together that’s important,and you can’t do it without a table. After I moved into my new place, I didn’t have much but a fold out table, a pan, and a couple chairs. I still wanted to have folks over though. So, I had a make shift house warming party. My apartment may have been mostly empty at the time, but it was full of friends. That’s what it’s all about anyways.

R: Preach. Alright last question and then I’m going to have to get into a Mezcal Margarita, because I just noticed that they have my favorite small batch bottle behind the bar. How do you see yourself staying relevant? How does Tailored Events build a name for itself here in town as The Events Company?
J: Here recently the Broad Collective referred to me as the new Lee Epting {of Epting Events}. Since you’re not from here, I’ll give ya a little back-story. Epting started where I am, at the grass roots level. However, he’s gotten much much bigger. Almost to like a conglomerate level at this point. Which I’m not saying that’s a bad thing by any means. With success there’s always going to be growth. Though as much as I want success, I never want to find myself at a top down level. I want to stay in the mix. I want to have my ear to the ground. I want to be the go-to guy. As I grow my success, I want to grow the community. As I grow, they grow. Like I said, it’s all about bringing people together. Now what is Mezcal?
R: Prepare to have your mind blown.
You can catch Josh at Toast and Taste of Athens this coming Sunday the 22nd and also at his brand spanking new website {}
As always, Yours Truly,
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